Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Alfresco Content Package

One of my colleague suggested to look at ACP, Alfresco's content package. This could be useful in the publication of content from one repository into the other, but we have a JCR compliant repository on the published end, not necessarily an Alfresco repository.

An ACP package is a zipped directory structure, that has the extension '.acp'.
When doing an export, an acp file is created inside alfresco itself, in a space that can be arbitrarily chosen.
Besides the target space, the package name must be provided.
The acp file, assuming package as package name, has the following structure:

The package.xml has a proprietary XML structure and looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<view:view xmlns:view="">
<view:exporterVersion>2.0.0 (build-185)</view:exporterVersion>
<cm:content xmlns:nt="" xmlns:alf="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:view="" xmlns:act="" xmlns:wf="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:ver="" xmlns:usr="" xmlns:cm="" xmlns:sv="" xmlns:mix="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:wca="" xmlns:sys="" xmlns:wcmwf="" xmlns:rule="" xmlns:fm="" xmlns:bpm="" xmlns:custom="custom.model" xmlns="" view:childName="cm:index.html">
<cm:description>Index page for books</cm:description>
<cm:author>Stephen King</cm:author>
<cm:content xmlns:nt="" xmlns:alf="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:view="" xmlns:act="" xmlns:wf="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:ver="" xmlns:usr="" xmlns:cm="" xmlns:sv="" xmlns:mix="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:wca="" xmlns:sys="" xmlns:wcmwf="" xmlns:rule="" xmlns:fm="" xmlns:bpm="" xmlns:custom="custom.model" xmlns="" view:childName="cm:DarkTower.pdf">
<cm:author>Stephen King</cm:author>
<cm:content xmlns:nt="" xmlns:alf="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:view="" xmlns:act="" xmlns:wf="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:ver="" xmlns:usr="" xmlns:cm="" xmlns:sv="" xmlns:mix="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:wca="" xmlns:sys="" xmlns:wcmwf="" xmlns:rule="" xmlns:fm="" xmlns:bpm="" xmlns:custom="custom.model" xmlns="" view:childName="cm:Cover.jpg">
<cm:author>Stephen King</cm:author>

This view does contain most of the information I need. The jcr system view as exported by alfresco, lacks the mime type, which is included in alfresco's acp descriptor:

Maybe I am overseeing something, but shouldn't the mime type info be part of JCR's system view as well?

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