With lambda's in java 8 these switch statements can easily be simplified resulting in cleaner, easier to read code.
Lets take for example the below switch statement and turn that into a nice and easy to understand piece of code using a Map and some lamba expressions.
public List<string> findUsingSwitch(Bicycle bicycle) { switch (bicycle) { case RACE: return listRacers(); case ATB: return listAtbs(); case CITY: return listCityBikes(); case HPV: return listHumanPoweredVehicles(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
Its easy to imagine that such a switch statement can grow and become pretty complex.
In java 8 we now have the ability to use lambda expressions and pass them around to functions. This allows us to replace the switch/case block with a more flexible and more natural implementation.
Lets first start with creating a map that associates the enum with the lambda that produces the result for the given enum value.
private Map<Bicycle, Supplier<List<String>>> typeMap = new HashMap<Bicycle, Supplier<List<String>>>() { { put(Bicycle.RACE, () -> listRacers()); put(Bicycle.ATB, () -> listAtbs()); put(Bicycle.CITY, () -> listCityBikes()); put(Bicycle.HPV, () -> listHumanPoweredVehicles()); } };
Now the find method can be changed to use the lambdas instead:
public ListfindUsingLambdas(Bicycle bicycle) { if (!typeMap.containsKey(bicycle)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s is not supported", bicycle)); } return typeMap.get(bicycle).get(); }
The sources can be found on github.