The export process seemed to work fine, until I took a close look at the actual exported XML.
It appears that the actual content is stored in a binary format, which prevents adjustments within the actual HTML itself, like references to content stored in the same repository.
To try to circumvent this, I changed the cm:content property of the cm:content type, as defined in alfresco's contentModel.xml, to d:text instead of d:content, but this gave the following error:
So its time to create our own model for alfresco.
It appears that the actual content is stored in a binary format, which prevents adjustments within the actual HTML itself, like references to content stored in the same repository.
To try to circumvent this, I changed the cm:content property of the cm:content type, as defined in alfresco's contentModel.xml, to d:text instead of d:content, but this gave the following error:
11:11:58,926 ERROR [Utils] A system error happened during the operation: The node property must be of type content:
node: workspace://SpacesStore/221a7c69-1e45-11dc-a1bf-4985acca4591
property name: {}content
property type: {}text
So its time to create our own model for alfresco.